Flutter + Firebase + Spring Boot + Spring Security Reactive + OAuth2 : Tutorial Part 4

Suraj Batuwana
Feb 21, 2021

In this post, we will re-implement the same features, but use the new Spring WebFlux.

To start a new project, go to http://start.spring.io to generate the project .

select the following requirements to generate the project.

  • Reactive Web
  • Lombok

To continue on the project it should have the following dependencies in gradle file

Create a TokenProvider class as below

Next, create a WebFilter to handle the authentication

Now, register this filter in the SecurityWebFilterChain

.securityContextRepository() will prevent it to create a WebSession, it is similar with STATELESS strategy

Create a RESTful API to authenticate a user.

All done. Now start the server as gradle bootRun, it should work like before sections

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Suraj Batuwana

Technology Evangelist, Technical Blogger with multidisciplinary skills with experience in full spectrum of design, architecture and development