Flutter + Firebase + Spring Boot + Restfull + OAuth2 : Tutorial Part 3

Suraj Batuwana
3 min readMay 2, 2020


This probably will be the last part of the story where flutter application will access secured restful API running on top of Spring Boot

Writing Secured Spring boot

  1. Go to https://start.spring.io/ to create a empty spring boot project, I am doing it with gradle here but you also can use maven
  2. Need to add following dependencies
  • spring-boot-starter-security
  • spring-boot-starter-web
  • firebase-admin
  • lombok

Adding firebase private key

To Access firebase spring boot need to have a key for that you need to generate a private key and load it in the spring boot application.

Go to firebase project settings from Project Overview

Click on service accounts and click on generate new private key

Once this is done you will be able to download the private key

The private key needs to be added in the resource folder of the springboot application and the full name of the file needs to be added in the application.yml file

Now the spring boot application is ready to work with Firebase.

Initialisation of Firebase with Spring boot

Need to load the private key and initialise the Firebase as in below code

If you do not do the above you will get the following error

FirebaseApp with name [DEFAULT] doesn’t exist ; Firebase Token Verification

Rest of the Java code is pretty standard…

Start the Spring boot application and Press the Access REST Button

Here is the output…


This was tested with android, please have a play and test with iPhone as well. Send me your feedback … :)

All the code base is linked here

Added a new section for Springboot Reactive fans

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Suraj Batuwana
Suraj Batuwana

Written by Suraj Batuwana

Technology Evangelist, Technical Blogger with multidisciplinary skills with experience in full spectrum of design, architecture and development

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