Managing Spring boot Micro services with Kong— Part 2 (Create Springboot API)

Suraj Batuwana
3 min readJun 1, 2020

Create a simple spring boot application and add REST interfaces to it, code

Rest Controller was created with @RequestParam and @PathVariable

Please fellow the instructions given in the

Check the REST Service

If REST Service is working add it to Kong

We can verify the connected containers to the kong-net docker network:

Setup API server routing using Spring boot microservices

Declare the Component with Kong

Create the service

Service refer to the upstream APIs and microservices that Kong manages.

curl -i -X POST — url http://localhost:8001/services/ — data “name=convert-to-fahrenheit-v1” — data “url=" is the address of the component container. In this case temperature-converter container.

Create the route

One route can be associated with one service, and this later can have one to many route to an upstream.

curl -i -X POST — url http://localhost:8001/services/convert-to-fahrenheit-v1/routes — data “name=convert-to-fahrenheit-v1” — data “paths[]=/convert-to-fahrenheit-v1”

Kong expose the created API at the port 8000. In this case we can visit the created route by:

curl http://localhost:8000/convert-to-fahrenheit-v1

Allow for Dynamic Parameter mapping in path based routing

Above example we used exact Service URL from the Spring boot

/v1/temperature/convert-to-fahrenheit/102, but in reality value 102 should be dynamic like it can be /v1/temperature/convert-to-fahrenheit/200 or even /v1/temperature/convert-to-fahrenheit/2000, so how can we handle this kind of Dynamic parameters inside Kong

Create Service for Dynamic Path/Request parameters

$curl -i -X POST — url http://localhost:8001/services/ — data “name=temperature” — data “url="

Create Route for Dynamic Path parameters

$curl -i -X POST — url http://localhost:8001/services/temperature/routes — data “name=temperature” — data “paths[]=/temperature-v1”

Check Service with PathVariable

$curl http://localhost:8000/temperature-v1/convert-to-fahrenheit/2000

Check Service with RequestParam

$curl http://localhost:8000/temperature-v1/convert-to-celsius?fahrenheit=300

There are different kind of combinations you can add when creating route with Kong like methods like GET, POST, hosts , protocol Etc..

Delete added services and routes

You can delete the added services and routes as fellows, When deleting make sure you delete the route first

$curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:8001/routes/temperature$curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:8001/services/temperature

Next step is adding security to API, which comes in my next blog



Suraj Batuwana

Technology Evangelist, Technical Blogger with multidisciplinary skills with experience in full spectrum of design, architecture and development